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Unknown breed / mixed (short coat) : : Male : : Senior : : Large Blue/Red Tick Hound
Hansel is the very model of a good hound dog. He is good-natured,, playful, learns quickly, and wants to do a good job for you. He is, still young enough to want to chew things, but is easily steered to, appropriate chewables. The Valley Fever and a dislike of being alone in, a kennel caused him to lose quite a bit of weight, but now that he, has doggie buddies and his own people to hang out with, he is gaining, weight and strength rapidly. He is kennel-trained and housebroken., He behaves well on a leash and is thoroughly enjoying two 15-30 minute, walks every day, with all his buddies. He sleeps quietly at night but, joins in the morning bustle with enthusiasm. One thinks of hounds as, outdoor dogs, but he is a mostly-indoor dog at his foster home, is, well-behaved enough to be good at that, and likes it that way., , Hansel is a very social hound. He needs to be in a house with at least, one other dog big enough to play with him, and prefers to have a person, around as well. He will demonstrate his fine loud baying voice when he is, lonesome, and when he wants to investigate something (like a strange dog), that he can't get to. He is always interested in meeting new people and, new dogs. He really likes to be in the same room with his people., He is good with older kids, but gets nervous in the presence of small unpredictable children., , Hansel is quite the handsome fellow with red-brown fur on his head,, speckled red-brown fur on his legs, and a black body with grey ticking, on his shoulders and hips. He has a fine set of hound jowls but does, not drool. His tail is a bit short for a hound but he keeps it wagging, so much that your coffee table is safer with it short. His legs are long,, so he can counter-surf with the best of them, and he has a relaxed stride, that just eats up the miles. Despite that, he can fold himself into a, medium dog bed and look comfortable doing it., , As expected for a hound, he has a keen sense of smell and likes to follow, what it tells him. His hearing is good, but he may be near-sighted., He is good about taking his twice-daily pills for Valley Fever, but his, case was kind of severe so he will be taking them for a while., He eats enthusiastically but does not horn in on the other dogs if, he finishes early. He was a little itchy when he arrived at his foster, home, so he's been eating a lamb+rice diet., If you would like to meet Hansel, please click on "Contact us about Hansel". More about Hansel - In FlagstaffGood with Dogs, Not Good with Cats, Good with Kids