Siamese / Tabby / Mixed (short coat) : : Female (spayed)
Celine is a Siamese/tabby mix who is around 1 year old. She was abandoned when her previous owner decided to move and figured Celine could fend for herself outside. A neighbor came to her rescue after realizing what had happened, and took her inside to keep her safe while she looked for a permanent safe haven for Celine. This neighbor could not keep Celine, because she had numerous non-cat friendly dogs, which isn't an environment a cat needs to be in. To keep her safe Celine's rescuer kept her in a dog crate until a more safe haven could be found. Paw Placement offered to step in and find Celine her forever home. Celine is a beautiful blue-eyed beauty, but her photos don't do her justice. She is also a very sweet dispositioned feline who loves to be around humans. This sweet girl will not disappoint you. Celine is currently in foster care awaiting a place at our adoption center at Petsmart. If you are interested in Celine, please fill out an online application at PawPlacement.org More about CelineGood with Cats, Good with Kids, Good with Adults